Our Thinking

Design that connects us

Mima is now a Certified B Corporation Designing an inclusive and sustainable world for all

By: Lisa Baker |

At Mima, we're thrilled to announce a significant milestone in our journey - we are now a Certified B Corporation™! This achievement marks a pivotal moment in our ongoing commitment to human-centred design, inclusivity, and sustainability.

Members of the Mima team celebrate the newly-acquired B Corp status on a sunny rooftop, set against the background of the London skyline
The Mima team celebrate B Corp status on a sunny rooftop set against the backdrop of the London skyline

What is a B Corp?

Certified B Corporations are companies verified by B Lab to meet high standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability. B Lab is the network transforming the global economy to benefit all people, communities, and the planet. The B Corp community drives collective action to tackle society's critical challenges. By leveraging business, B Lab positively impacts over 150 industries in more than 80 countries, promoting a balance between profit and purpose. Together, we aim to transform the economic system from benefiting a few to serving everyone, ensuring equity, fostering regeneration, and prioritising interdependence. This certification aligns perfectly with our ethos at Mima, where we believe that design should serve everyone and contribute to a sustainable and equitable world.

A Journey, Not a Destination

B Corp certification showcases our commitment to using business for good. The B Impact Assessment is a free, confidential tool that measures and manages our positive impact on workers, community, customers, and the environment. This rigorous assessment has challenged us to evaluate our practices and identify areas for improvement. I see the phrase "measuring your impact takes time" daily when I open up our B Impact Assessment, and this certification process has reinforced that genuine change requires consistent effort and dedication.

Our Commitment in Action

Our B Corp certification is a reflection of the values we've long held and practised.

  • Sustainability is an integral part of everything we do at Mima, shaping our problem-solving approach and service delivery across all our offerings: experience design, accessibility, human factors and wayfinding. It's not just an additional feature, but a fundamental principle that we continuously improve in our own operations and help clients implement. By integrating sustainability into our comprehensive solutions, we address complex challenges and identify opportunities across multiple touchpoints, collectively contributing to a more sustainable future.

  • Our aim is to provide consultancy services in the most sustainable way possible while also helping our clients improve their own sustainability practices across all sectors in which we work. Whether the issue is directly related to sustainability or not, we strive to incorporate sustainability considerations throughout our projects, offering efficiencies and innovative solutions in the process.

  • We believe that access and inclusion go beyond the built environment. Our work encompasses physical, digital, and social accessibility, ensuring solutions are accessible from physical, sensory, and cognitive perspectives. We foster inclusive collaboration, bringing everyone along on the journey to inclusive design.

  • We live by the motto "Nothing about us, without us," actively collaborating with lived experience experts to create truly equitable experiences. Our in-house (and currently all-female) accessibility and inclusive design team is composed of disabled and neurodivergent individuals.

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A photo of the inside of a box of cupcakes decorated with both the logos of Mima and B Corp

Join Us on This Journey

We're immensely proud of the path that has led us to B Corp certification and excited about how it will shape our future services. At Mima, we're more committed than ever to our mission of enriching lives through human-centred design. We invite our clients, partners, and fellow design professionals to join us on this ongoing journey.

Collaboratively, we can enhance the built environment and digital landscapes to be more inclusive, sustainable, and beneficial for everyone. Each project presents a chance to create a positive impact on both individuals and the planet. We can continue to learn, develop, and foster meaningful connections that contribute to our world.

Written by:

Photo of Lisa Baker

Lisa Baker
Head of Experience Design & Sustainability

Lisa is a Chartered Ergonomist with 15 years of experience across various industries, including healthcare, transport, culture and heritage. Lisa specialises in bridging human factors and service design to create innovative and sustainable services and experiences, grounded in evidence.